Electric Sheep.

Taking its name from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a dystopian science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick, on which the film Blade Runner is based, Electric Sheep explores the relationship between humans and machines. How we see them and

how they see us. It looks at the way we control them and the way they control us. How the two are becoming indistinguishable from one and other, so much so that we have had to devise systems to differentiate biological from digital.

Electric Sheep takes us on a journey. Taking us from the Imitation Game, created by mathematician Alan Turing in the late 1940’s which is designed to test a machine’s ability to behave in a way indistinguishable from a human. To the fictional Three Laws of Robotics devised by author Isaac Asimov in the 1960’s. All the way up to the present day where we have to tick a box to assure computers that we are not an automated Bot up to no good.



